Where to Buy

Looking for the nearest place to find Copper River Fleece?

Our flagship retail store is located at 504 First Street in Cordova, AlaskaSUMMER Store hours are Tuesday - Saturday  11 am - 5 pm.   WINTER Store hours are Tuesday - Saturday  11am - 4pm.  If these hours are not convenient for you, we are also happy to open by appointment.  Please contact our retail store at (907) 424-4304 if you would like to schedule an appointment.  

In addition to our website and retail store, the following is a list of Independent Retailers which carry Copper River Fleece:


  • Anchorage, AK:
    • Cabin Fever - 412 G Street / Phone: (907) 278-3522    


  • Seattle, WA:
    • Alaska Airlines Company Store - 20833 International Blvd. / (206) 466-1717